The fall of Berlin’s wall is fast approaching, and to mark the 25th anniversary since its initial demolition, the city is lining up a beautiful spectacular. From November 7th to November 9th, a temporary installation stretching the course of some of the inner city parts of the wall will provide a stunning visual reminder of how far Berlin has come.

The Lichtgrenze as it is known has been developed from an idea by brother Christopher and Marc Bauder. Featuring some 8,000 luminous white balloons, a line of lights will mark out stretches from Bornholmer Strasse to Mauerpark, down Bernauer Strasse and past the nearby Wall Memorial, down through to the Reichstag, the Brandenburg Gate, Checkpoint Charlie and then the East Side Gallery. It’s a fascinating way to remind visitors and locals of the prominence of the wall in everyday life within the city.

Alongside the installation, there are accompanying exhibitions, events and guided tours. Look out for the wall stories that will punctuate the line of balloons, with 100 wall stories on display at the original sites where they took place and specially erected viewing towers, giving you a further perspective on the installation and the wall itself.

More information on the Mauerfall and some of the activities available can be found here:

Photo copyright Daniel Bueche. Visuals by Christopher Bauder

Photo copyright Daniel Bueche. Visuals by Christopher Bauder

Photo copyright Daniel Bueche. Visuals by Christopher Bauder

Photo copyright Daniel Bueche. Visuals by Christopher Bauder

Photo copyright Uwe Gerig

Photo copyright Harald Schmitt 

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