Berlijn blog / Architektuur
Hoogtepunten van Berlijns eeuwig veranderende skyline.

Neue Nationalgalerie and its architect
donderdag 7 oktober 2021
After five years of construction, the Neue Nationalgalerie is now open to the public again. The extenisve modernisation project of Mies van der Rohe's last iconic building was completed in 2021.

Architecture Day Berlin 2021
donderdag 24 juni 2021
Every year on the last weekend in June, Germany is holding the Architecture Days. Despite the pandemic, this year you'll be able to get access some of Berlin's quality building culture.

And the winner is... Miniloft Kreuzberg!
vrijdag 30 april 2021
If you stay at Miniloft Apartment Hotel, you normally leave with the feeling of having stayed somewhere special. Last weekend, this feeling got officially recognized.

woensdag 20 november 2019
How do humans influence the future and how can the achievements of science and research shape and create different futures for humans? These questions are at the core of the new museum “Futurium - House of Futures” that opened just around the corner of Miniloft Mitte.

bauhaus imaginista
vrijdag 3 mei 2019
Het Haus der Kulturen der Welt (het Huis van de Wereldculturen) is bekend voor zijn onconventionele en omvangrijke tentoonstellingen die nieuwe perspectieven bieden en thema's vanuit een ongebruikelijk oogpunt bekijken. Nog tot 10 juni – de tentoonstelling bauhaus imaginista.

Frizz23 en Miniloft Kreuzberg - Bericht uit de krant "Der Tagesspiegel"
maandag 10 december 2018
De voltooiing van het Frizz23-gebouw aan het zuidelijke einde van de Friedrichstraße is een mijlpaal in de Berlijnse immobiliënpolitiek en toont aan hoe een duurzame en organische stadsontwikkeling mogelijk, constructief en succesvol is, wanneer lokale handelende personen en burgers het initiatief nemen.

Visit Sachsenhausen: The Concentration Camp
maandag 9 juli 2018
The concentration camp in Sachsenhausen was one of the most important in Nazi Germany. It is a must-see if you travel to Berlin. Know your history and how to visit it.

MakeCity – Festival For Architecture And Urban Alternatives 2018
vrijdag 8 juni 2018
MakeCity is resolutely trans-disciplinary. Bringing together architects, urban planners, leading municipal decision makers, civic groups, urban designers and makers that are defining innovative strategies and new coalitions for social change in our cities.

Ticket B: An architectural walk through the center of Berlin, including Frizz23
vrijdag 20 april 2018
Crash Course Berlin - A foray through the heart of Berlin
Every first Saturday of the month, starting April 2018

Urban Nation: Turns the city into a museum
donderdag 9 februari 2017
The walls of Bülowstraße in Schöneberg have become an open air urban museum. Admission is always free and the hours are limitless but also, one of the buildings is currently being converted into an outstanding museum exhibition space that will provide space for development, research, workshops and educational programmes.