The retro Berlin TV Tower at Alexanderplatz (or Fernsehturm), the 368 m (1,207 ft) tall status symbol of East Berlin, turns the ripe old age of 40 this October. Head up in the teeny elevator with the grim attendant to the top, where the viewing platform affords a vista of Berlin that can reach 42 km on clear days. Just order a snack in the revolving restaurant - the food is lousy, but the 360 degree panorama is stupendous (and with a reservation, you can skip any lines below). And be sure to clear out before the tower blasts off.

TV Tower
Alexanderplatz, Mitte
S+U-Bahn Alexanderplatz

Open daily 9-24:00
10€/kids up to 16: 5,50€/kids under 3: free

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