Berlino blog / Fitness & divertimento
Tieniti in forma divertendoti.

Tempelhofer Feld
Venerdì 15 Ottobre 2021
One of the most unique outdoor spaces in Berlin - the former airport Tempelhof.

A bike ride into nature - Mitte to Karower Teiche
Venerdì 16 Aprile 2021
After a year of lockdown, there is one particular bike route that we particularly enjoy: Along the river Panke from Berlin Mitte to Karower Teiche, a nature reserve right ouside the city limits.
Strandbad Plötzensee Berlin Wedding
Venerdì 31 Luglio 2020
Der Sommer in Berlin kann unerträglich heiß werden. Wenn Sie dieser Hitze während Ihres Berlin Besuchs einmal entkommen möchten haben wir einen kleinen Geheimtipp für Sie.

Water Playground at Nordbahnhof
Venerdì 10 Luglio 2020
Water playground at Nordbahnhof
The summer in the Berlin can get hot! And when you‘re travelling with kids, you might need a cooling break from visiting the city‘s highlights. We‘ve got you covered: there‘s a great water playground right around the corner from Miniloft Mitte.

Lunedì 18 Maggio 2020
For our game enthusiasts we have picked out one of the liveliest billiard saloons in Berlin. Billardaire has been thriving for almost 30 years in one of the hippest locations in the city, at the heart of Schöneberg, right near the popular Kleistpark.

Grunewald Forest
Venerdì 20 Marzo 2020
In the west of Berlin but away from most of the thick traffic and famous sights, you’ll find Grunewald Forest. A beautiful wooded area around the Elbe tributary Havel.

Liquidrom: il luogo magico di cui non conoscevi l’esistenza
Giovedì 29 Agosto 2019
Passeggiando per Kreuzberg, potete sicuramente ammirare i parchi e gli spazi verdi del quartiere ma forse non immaginate che, proprio dietro l'angolo di Miniloft Kreuzberg, esiste un luogo capace di farvi dimenticare la città intorno, godendo al tempo stesso del massimo del relax.

Sledding in Berlin
Lunedì 9 Gennaio 2017
Just because you live in a flat city doesn’t mean you can’t find a decent slope to slide down!
From piles or wartime rubble, to repurposed quarries, to good old-fashioned hills, Berliners know how to make the best of what they have.

Martedì 20 Dicembre 2016
Time to get fit, also to loose this extra kilos you are getting in Christmas, but no motivation because of the cold and darkness? Sprungraum is the best option!