Blogs Berlin / Où manger
Nos restaurants et cafés favoris.
Aufsturz Bar
mardi 3 juin 2014
Looking for beer in Berlin? And perhaps more specifically – something other than a couple of pilsners on draft? Then Aufsturz bar may be the one for you. Located within the sprawling stretch of bars on Oranienburger Strasse (a mere stones throw from Miniloft), Aufsturz – whose name literally translates as “fall up” – boasts over 100 different beers, gleaned from around the world. For every beer, you’ll find a corresponding serving vessel, which means that Aufsturz can probably lay claim to the broadest glass collection in the area.
Smart Deli
lundi 12 mai 2014
The Smart Deli team have a been a staple of Berlin for over ten years, opening their first location in Friedrichshain in 2002 and moving to Mitte in 2012. Over that time, they have carved out a solid reputation for themselves as purveyors of delicious, nutritious and all round good food.
Café Bondi
mardi 18 mars 2014
The effects of the various nationalities that comprise Berlin can be seen everywhere. Be it the Vietnamese Dong Xuan Center market or the amazing NY influence in the pastrami at Mogg & Melzer, it’s pretty clear that more = merrier when it comes to the international influence on Berlin’s food and drink. We’ve noticed a strong correlation between cracking coffee and Australia, which is why Café Bondi is the pick this week.
vendredi 24 janvier 2014
Of late, Paleolithic cuisine has been dividing opinions in many a NY, LA and London headline. The idea of unrefined food is nothing new – which is actually the main point of Paleolithic cuisine, a sort of “modern take” on a diet that stretches back 15,000 years. Based around the idea we really haven’t changed that much since then, Paleo cuisine avoids processed and refined-carbohydrate led foods, switching to simple, unrefined food that pass the hunter-gatherer test. It’s not eating like a caveman, but rooted in the principles of the diet at the time.
Labyrinth Kindermuseum
lundi 16 décembre 2013
Berlin does have its fair share of heavy hitting museums that are also suitable to take younger visitors around. From the stones-throw-from-Miniloft located Naturkundenmuseum to the Deutsches TechnikMuseum, most tastes are catered for. But the beauty of the Labyrinth Children’s Museum, up in Wedding, is in its simple interactivity, that allows younger, inquiring minds the chance to get hands on during their stay.
Cocolo Ramenbar
lundi 30 septembre 2013
Comfort food comes in many forms – but the overarching criteria could be surmised as food that warms your soul as much as it sates any physical hunger. For those moments where such sustenance is the order of the day, head to Cocolo on Gipstraße in Mitte. There, in a relatively small and permanently bustling restaurant, you’ll find your fix.
lundi 26 août 2013
Whether you prefer yours Viennese style, paper thin and spilling over your plate or the worryingly slab like variety in the supermarket chiller cabinet, Schnitzels are two a penny in Berlin. Finding a schnitzel is easy enough, but finding good schnitzel? That is another matter entirely. Thankfully, Miniloft is serviced by the relatively near Alpenstück, which offers a slice of South German cuisine by way of Mitte.
van Loon Restaurant
vendredi 16 août 2013
Se trouvant amarré le long du Landwehrkanal, dans la partie la plus boisée de Kreuzberg, le bateau-restaurant van Loon est assez facile à repérer – il suffit de chercher la péniche au niveau du pont Baerwaldbrücke.
Markthalle Neun
vendredi 2 août 2013
Les premières halles de Berlin ouvrirent leurs portes à la fin du 19ème siècle, et connurent une histoire pleine de rebondissements. En un laps de temps assez court, la plupart des 14 grandes halles, dessinées par l'architecte August Lindemann, fermèrent. Les marchés couverts furent en effet les malheureuses victimes du capitalisme, détrônés par les marchés en plein air comme Maybachufer, et par l'apparition de nouveaux grands magasins, promettant davantage de choix, des produits de meilleure qualité et plus exotiques, que l'on ait jamais vu en Brandenbourg.
Michelin Stars
vendredi 2 août 2013
Berlin et la nourriture, cela évoque de nombreuses associations aux visiteurs. Il y a l'omniprésente currywurst (saucisse au curry) et les kebabs. Il y a tout un tas de restaurants souabes (bavarois), turcs, italiens, vietnamiens, et les plutôt discutables restaurants indiens, dessinant un paysage gastronomique international attrayant. Mais lorsque vous entendez les mots "sortir manger à Berlin", vous n'associez tout d'abord pas cela à des repas raffinés.