Berlin blog / Culture
Highlights from Berlin’s museums, galleries, and cultural outings.

Stand off at Checkpoint Charlie
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
It’s all hands to deck at Miniloft behind the scenes, as we are working on a new development over in Kreuzberg. Our new place is near Checkpoint Charlie, a fascinating spot that once you look past the tourist trappings, is actually one of the most significant sites in Berlin from the 20th Century. Because it was here that the Cold War nearly...
Kunstfabrik Schlot
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
A Berlin institution since the fall of the wall, Kunstfabrik Schlot is more than just a great location - it’s also one of Berlin’s best loved jazz bars. That said, the address of Kunstfabrik Schlot is also a big bonus for Miniloft guests, lying a shot walk from us in the Edison-Höfe.

Menschenmuseum at Alexanderplatz
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Gunther von Hagen’s Body Worlds has traversed the globe several times over, a curious travelling cabinet of the Professor’s plasticized bodies and anatomical parts. It’s slightly odd, endlessly fascinating, a little bit notorious and definitely compelling – so perhaps no surprise that this travelling biological circus has found a permanent home in Berlin.

Exploring the Afterlife in Berlin
Monday, December 29, 2014
Those coming to Berlin are always looking to find ways to explore the capital’s history. So why not extend that beyond the buildings to the people? The former residents of Berlin are as interesting as the place itself – leading to a new way of visiting the city, also known as “necrotourism”.

Alternative Berlin: Graffiti and Street Art Culture
Monday, November 10, 2014
Having recently profiled Songs of Berlin, as well as Creative Accesibility’s amazing tour, we’re all about getting the chance to see Berlin’s sites and sounds in new and thought provoking ways.

Songs of Berlin
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
From the husky tones of Marlene to the yelps of David Bowie, Berlin is a city of sounds. And those sounds over the years have been just as important in defining the city as it’s art or literature. Experiencing the city through it’s songs is the idea behind Songs of Berlin – a group of tour guides who aim to use music to connect with your surroundings.

Mushroom picking in Berlin
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Berlin is a pretty lucky city, with huge swathes of forest surrounding the city and punctuating Brandenburg. Exploring the forests around Berlin can not only provide you with some beautiful light and colour from the trees – but also treats on the ground.

Berlin: Before and After the Wall
Friday, August 1, 2014
We’re lucky enough to live in a city that is in the midst of exciting change – but the thing we love about Berlin is that the past is never that far away, and walking through the city can easily change based on the history you take round with you. A few weeks ago, a guest at Miniloft brought us some photos of the last time she was in Berlin. It was a long time ago in fact, before the wall came down.

Schwules Museum
Friday, August 1, 2014
As anyone who has been to a Berlin Christopher Street Day Parade will testify, this city is pretty much as tolerant as you can get. From the openly gay mayor, Klaus Wowerweit, to famous sons and daughters throughout the years, Berlin – particularly the Berlin of today – sees individual sexual preference as something to be rightly celebrated.

The Grand Budapest Hotel – the Miniloft way
Monday, May 26, 2014
Some of the Miniloft team were recently talking about films set in hotels, following on from seeing Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel. Based on Stefan Zweig’s stories (for which we recommend picking up a copy of the Society of the Crossed Keys from Pushkin Press), The Grand Budapest Hotel features not one, but two possible day trips out from Miniloft – the lovely town of Görlitz and Studio Babelsberg, located right near Potsdam.