Berlin Blog
Unsere neuesten Artikel mit Empfehlungen und die aktuellsten Ereignisse in dieser lebendigen Stadt!
Berlin Microbreweries
'Dienstag, d
Germany is a country famed for beer – but Berlin is undergoing a renaissance in smaller scale brewing. Although you can get your big name brews in the city, there are plenty of mcirobreweries and brewers introducing us to craft beer. The results are a lot different to your standard pils that has been brewed according to Germany’s age old purity laws – with character definitely trumping tradition. To that end, here are a selection of stops in Berlin where you can get a beer that definitely has a bit more bite.
'Dienstag, d
Art is best when it is experienced. To spend an afternoon wiling away the hours in front of a painting, drawing, sculpture or installation can – in the best of cases – create those special moments where you find yourself immersed in what’s in front of you.
Öffentlicher Nahverkehr in Berlin
'Dienstag, d
Man ist in Berlin schon recht verwöhnt, was die Auswahl an öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln anlangt, ob nun U-Bahn, Zug, Bus oder Tram und sogar mit der Fähre, wenn Sie in der richtigen Ecke sind. Die Möglichkeiten sind schier unendlich und mit einem 24-Stunden-Plan sind Sie auch immer mobil, zu Wasser und zu Land, um von einem Ende der Stadt ans andere zu gelangen. Die Berliner sind insgeheim stolz auf ihr System, mal abgesehen von dem Flughafendebakel.
Weinbar Rutz
'Mittwoch, d
Michelin star dining just round the corner from Miniloft anyone? We mentioned Weinbar Rutz a little while back on the blog, but it’s time to dedicate more space to what has been described as possibly “the most unassuming Michelin star restaurant in the world”.
Miniloft's recommended Events September 2014
'Montag, d
Miniloft's recommended Events September 2014
The Water Playground at Nordbahnhof
'Mittwoch, d
In the summer there is no end of water-based fun in Berlin. From the Badeschiff to the lakes that punctuate the outer rim of the city, to the numerous Sommerbäde (lidos) that open their doors, splash time is pretty abundant in the city. You may be forgiven for thinking with such a variety of water activities, why need more, but then we’d point you in the direction of the recently opened Plansche (water playground), round the corner from Miniloft at Nordbahnhof as proof that there is no such thing as too much water.
Gay Night at the Zoo
'Dienstag, d
It’s a fine summer’s evening in Berlin: and you are in the mood for a bit of Big Band swing. But you also want to take a look around Berlin Zoo. What do you do? Conveniently for you, these two seemingly disparate activities combine for one night only thanks to Gay Night at the Zoo.
Berlin: Vor- und nach der Mauer
'Freitag, d
Wir haben schon viel Glück, leben wir doch inmitten aufregender Veränderungen – aber was wir am meisten an Berlin lieben, ist, dass die Vergangenheit immer ganz nah ist, und ein Spaziergang durch die Stadt kann die Sicht leicht ändern, basierend auf der Geschichte, die einen umgibt. Vor einigen Wochen hat ein Miniloft-Gast uns einige Fotos von ihrem Besuch in der Stadt gezeigt. Sie war das letzte Mal vor dem Fall der Mauer hier.
Schwules Museum
'Freitag, d
As anyone who has been to a Berlin Christopher Street Day Parade will testify, this city is pretty much as tolerant as you can get. From the openly gay mayor, Klaus Wowerweit, to famous sons and daughters throughout the years, Berlin – particularly the Berlin of today – sees individual sexual preference as something to be rightly celebrated.