Berlin is a city that is fantastic on a sunny day, with plenty to keep minds young and old occupied just by walking through the streets. But what about those days where it’s easier to stay inside? Well, you can still easily take in the sights of the city by heading to the Loxx Model Railway at Alexa.

One of the largest minature railways in the world is located in the sprawling Alexa mall at Alexanderplatz. In a 3,000m² showroom and at a 1:87 scale, the everyday life of Berlin is captured in a literal microcosm that is sure to delight anyone who’s ever owned their own train set. Plenty of the city centre landmarks, roads complete with a computer controlled car-system and even night and day are represented. And of course, there are the trains as well, with Berlin’s S-Bahn and the ICE making their requisite appearance amongst the other forms of transport. But it’s not just the everyday that’s on show, with numerous scenes that you’re unlikely to encounter in the city, including dinosaurs under construction and a heck of a lot more hills than you’d ever be able to find on foot. Proof indeed that when looking for a new perspective of the city, bigger doesn’t always equal better.

Loxx Model Railway
3rd Floor, Alexa Shopping Centre
Grunerstraße 20
10179 Berlin

Tel: 030-44723022
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Opening Hours:
Monday – Sunday 10am – 8pm
Entry Prices: 
Regular: €12,90
Children: €8,00
Children under 1m – Free
(see website for other offers)

Copyright: Sebastian Niedlich

Copyright: Sebastian Niedlich

Copyright: Sebastian Niedlich

Copyright: Sebastian Niedlich

Copyright: Sebastian Niedlich

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