Blog Berlin
Artigos mais recentes com recomendações e destaques para o que de mais vibrante está a acontecer na cidade !!!
Christmas Markets in Berlin
quarta, 5 de dezembro de 2012
Festive season has kicked off in the capital, which makes milling around Berlin’s huge selection of Christmas Markets an absolute must. With estimates ranging from 60 – 100 over the advent period, it’s best to hone your selection to avoid Glühwein fatigue. Thankfully, there are a couple of standout markets that manage to show the best of Berlin at Christmas time.
quarta, 21 de novembro de 2012
O legado de Walter Gropius, fundador da Bauhaus, estende-se por toda a cidade de Berlim. A fim de compreender os princípios que regiam à sua concepção estética sugerimos um passeio rumo ao Sul da cidade de Berlim, até à Gropiusstadt, um conjunto habitacional na área de Neukölln. .
Literature Fest 2012
segunda, 3 de setembro de 2012
For those of us who don’t head back to school anymore in the fall, the annual International Literature Festival is a welcome intellectual pick-me-up after summer’s lazy lounging. The feast of readings and events is celebrating its twelfth year, with the usual bounty of amazing authors from around the world.
Komische Oper
domingo, 29 de julho de 2012
Miniloft guests enjoy a 10% discount at the golden Komische Oper, the most beautiful of Berlin's three opera houses (especially not that the Staatsoper is undergoing years-long renovations). They have a new director this year, the Australia Barrie Kosky, formerly of the Schauspielhaus Wien.
segunda, 25 de junho de 2012
The newly-opened Pantry is tucked discreetly behind a wall of bamboo on busy Friedrichstrasse. It's easy to walk right by, but it deserves to be a destination! We're pleased that it fits in so nicely in our culinary neighborhood: we have delicious quick-eats options in Risotto and Dada Falafel, the high-end, Michelin-starred Rutz and Reinstoff, and now Pantry joins the always-delicious La Bonne Franquette as an appealing mid-range option. They specialize in “Iberian-Pacific” cuisine, with flavorful, distinctive fare and a selective, changning menu.
Creative Sustainability Tours
segunda, 25 de junho de 2012
Looking for an insider's perspective into what makes Berlin such a unique place? The city has a fascinating history, of course, but now Creative Sustainability Tours also show you the people and places that are creating its future. The intelligent, interesting tours help you discover Berlin’s unique, local initiatives.
Rice Up Onigiri
quinta, 14 de junho de 2012
O facto de agora ser possível comprar comida sudável mesmo ao virar da esquina deixa-nos muito animados! - as pequenas caixas de arroz japonesas, chamadas Onogiri, com recheios deliciosos envoltos em alga marinha. Claro que o döner e o falafel no Dada's são excelentes, mas é sempre bom ter outras opções, para além da clássica currywurst.
sexta, 18 de maio de 2012
Re:Surgo, helmed by Anna Hellsgård & Christan Gfeller, creates beautiful and strange prints and limited edition books. Check out their screenprints, collages, gig posters, screenprinted zines and affordable works of art at their shop on Torstrasse. With most pieces priced between 20 and 70 euros, it really is art for all!
quinta, 3 de maio de 2012
dOCUMENTA (13) is almost upon us! This gigantic, prestigious art event happens only once every five years, for a nice even 100 days. Get ready to dive in: In June 2012, over 160 artists and other participants from around the world present their works all over the city of Kassel, including sculpture, performance, installation, research and archiving, painting, photography, film, curatorial, text-based and audio works as well as other experiments in the fields of aesthetics, art, politics, literature, science, and ecology.
quinta, 19 de abril de 2012
"O que é essa coisa do frozen yogurt?", perguntou-me curiosamente a minha sogra alemã. "já provaste?" Eu asseguro-lhe que frozen yogurt é parte inevitável da minha infância. No verão passado, a febre do frozen yogurt chegou finalmente a Berlim e abriram uma avalanche de lojas prontas a servir o cremoso, sem gorduras e gelado iogurte.