Gaming steps out of the cultural sidelines in our city, especially for grownups. With a strong embracing of all things digital, combined with a penchant for counter-cultures of all kinds, it’s no surprise you’ll find gaming options a-plenty in Berlin. And whether you are looking for the next gaming craze, or going back to your roots, you’ll definitely find something to tickle your metaphorical joystick. Here’s Miniloft’s roundup of some of the best gaming activities in Berlin.

TabBandit: The Target.

A location based game, the premise of TabBandit: The Target is simple enough:
A dangerous gangster has escaped from prison and a customer pays him for every crime he commits. As a gamer, your mission is stop the gangster, who can leave the city and win the game once he’s amassed over 1 million euros.

To play, you register either individually or as a team. You’ll then be tasked with finding certain tools and keeping tabs on the gangster, to ensure he cannot reach the his targets. It’s a fast paced and thrilling cat and mouse game, made all the more real by letting you loose on Berlin’s street in your quest for justice. Find out more by watching a preview here– yes, TabBandit is that exciting, it even has it’s own trailer.


Like a souped up treasure hunt, geocaching takes you out into the real world with a GPS-enabled device and sets you locational challenges for you to complete. Navigating to a specific set of GPS coordinates, you have to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location. A membership to some geocaching organisation and a GPS device are all you need to explore Berlin in a totally different way.

EscapeZone Berlin

For those looking for something more psychological and less, well, sprawling, EscapeZone Berlin has the answer. You’ve got ne room, a variety of scenarios to choose from and a set amount of time to complete the tasks and “escape”. Perhaps not the best choice for claustrophobics or those prone to falling apart under pressure, nevertheless, EscapeZone Berlin is your chance to release your inner Sherlock in groups of 2-6.

Underground Laser Game Berlin

Laserquest was no doubt a fixture in many Generation Y’s birthday parties, so the Underground Laser Game Berlin is a good way to relive those golden years. Perfect for larger groups, your task is to shoot or be shot (thankfully, you’ll only have laser beams to contend with).

ComputerSpiele Museum Berlin

And speaking of nostalgia, if you’d rather take a trip down memory lane than go shooting or hunting in a dystopic present or future, the Computerspiele Museum Berlin is your place to go. Here, you’ll find relics stretching as far back as 1951 – which is at least 1000 years in gaming years – alongside more recent favourites from your childhood. From exhibits to consoles and arcade games, it’s all about those simpler days of gaming, when Pacman ruled supreme.

Photos: EscapeZone Berlin

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